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Imagen de EB1HBK

HOla, buscando info sobre ADS-B para el Raspi, encontre esta nota (http://www.satsignal.eu/raspberry-pi/dump1090.html):


"Yesterday I did an upgrade of my Raspberry Pi (sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade), but after a reboot dump1090 failed to start. I did some research and quickly found this:

Apparently the upgrade incorporates a new Linux kernel which includes a DVB driver for the dongle as a TV receiver.  Since the device is already in use by this driver, the driver needed for dump1090 can't access it.  Instead the following error message appears:


> *Kernel driver is active, or device is claimed by second instance of
> librtlsdr. 
> In the first case, please either detach or blacklist the kernel module 
> (dvb_usb_rtl28xxu), or enable automatic detaching at compile time. 
> * 


Luckily a solution is pretty straightforward.  In /etc/modprobe.d create a new file with sudo, named no-rtl.conf (the actual name is not important, but the .conf is).


cd /etc/modprobe.d
sudo nano no-rtl.conf


Add the following lines:


blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu
blacklist rtl2832
blacklist rtl2830

The second and third lines might not even be necessary, but on the other hand can't harm either.  After a reboot dump1090 works again as intended."


Lo que dicho en español, significa que las nuevas versiones de núcleo para el Raspi, incorporan de serie el driver para ver la TDT con los pinchos USB.


Este driver está cargado por defecto, y entra en colisión con el driver para usar el pincho como receptor SDR.


La solucion está indicada en el mismo texto, añadiendo la blacklist los drivers originales del núcleo para que no los cargue en el arranque.

